finally the temperatures became more spring like in salzburg, so we decided to take a walk into the city.
it was so nice outside, everybody was just wearing light jackets and the city was crowded with sun-seeking people. now i really can´t wait for my “love” dresses i recently ordered – perfect for spring as you will see in further posts!
so here is what i was wearing today:
and the outcome of our stroll through the city was soooo good for me – i got my michael kors watch, but i didn´t choose the horn one because it looked too plastic in reality – instead, i bought the oversized, gold runway watch – YAAAY and i love love love it!

how did you spend your sunny weekend?

the wonderful coat.



  • Wedekind

    schöner Pulli!

  • minnja

    Great blog and I’m your newest follower.
    If you like, follow me back. It would make me very happy 😉


  • Joie De Vivre

    You got the watch! Now you can check it off of your list! I have the same one and love it! xx

    • Katharina

      yes and i´m soooo happy about it, could wear it 24/7!

  • Bodil Huisman

    love this outfit! really like the neck chains and your watch,


  • Andrea

    Tolles Outfit. Deine MK watch ist toll!! Ich schleiche schon seit Monaten um die in rose gold herum, konnte mich aber noch nicht überwinden Sie zu kaufen.
    Btw. vielen Dank für deinen lieben Kommentar auf meinem Blog. 🙂
    Lg, Andrea
    Wonderful and Marvelous

    • Katharina

      haha so gings mir jetzt auch monate lang, bis mein freund mich quasi dazu “gezwungen” hat sie zu kaufen, damit er sich mein gequatsche über die uhr nicht länger anhören muss – und ich bin ihm sowas von dankbar 🙂

  • Eni

    hello nice bracelets 🙂 and watch !!
    Cute blog I’m following You !Come to visit my blog 🙂

  • Rebecca Miriam

    dankeschön! tolles outfit!

    xx, rebecca

  • littlemissandrea

    Love your MK watch! I would pick the gold over the horn as well – I just find the gold to be classic and will never go out of style. Can`t wait til you receive your LOVE dresses – their designs are beautiful!

  • Dora

    Tolles outfit!