on monday night, sonja (fashiontweed) and i got a really nice invite to spend the evening at vicky´s (bikinis and passports) new place. they recently moved to a new, amazingly beautiful apartment with a huge rooftop terrace which is perfect to hang out at and enjoy some after-work-drinks with friends. the view over vienna from up there is just gorgeous and i wished i never had to leave. 
we were able to sit outside until almost 11 PM (or if we hadn´t have to go home even the whole night, we just had to leave because getting up for work the next day was hard enough without staying up too late) because the temperatures are sahara-like in vienna right now. thank you girls for this lovely night!

(all pictures thanks to vicky)

blouse and lace short: zara


  • Stasha

    love your outfit, u r so hansome! nice photos!

  • Andrea

    Tolles outfit! Aber das du in der langärmeligen Bluse keinen Hitzschlag bekommen hast…?! 🙂
    Lg, Andrea

    • Katharina

      omg das wundert mich selbst auch immer noch…aber die bluse ist ganz luftig und leicht, da war das nicht so schlimm 🙂 dachte selbst nicht, dass es so lange warm bleiben würde! 🙂

  • Stefanie

    Wahnsinns Outfit! Die Bluse ist richtig toll 🙂

  • claude

    you look really pretty! I wish summer would finally find it’s way to Luxembourg too! I want to sit outside until late too!
    seems like you had an amazing time!:)

    xx claude

  • Wedekind

    ohnoooo, you’ve been to Vienna and we didn’t meet for a drink? Too bad! Let me know when you return!!

    Heartbeats from Vienna Wedekind

  • vicky h.

    @Carola: sie woooohnt jetzt in wien du scherzkeksi 🙂

    • Katharina

      haha ich habs ihr schon geschrieben vicky 🙂

  • Lali

    Beautiful, beautiful.