today i want to show you a part of my life that´s really important – my iphone and all of my apps that i simply couldn´t live without (just joking, of course i could live without my cell but it just wouldn´t be as funny).
all of these apps i use on a daily basis but there are many more that i love and that are really helpful for cooking, my daily workout, information and guides etc.
oh, sweet iPhone i LOVE you!

Out East.

DIY Hochzeitseinladungen selber machen

#kandgsayyes: DIY wedding invitations


  • Andrea

    Yep, auf meinem iPhone sieht’s ähnlich aus. Ich finde ja die Twitter & Bloglovin apps auch ganz praktisch. 🙂
    Lg Andrea

  • Venüsün Dünyası

    Iphone <3 Nice picture! xoxo

  • Emilie

    Solche App-Posts finde ich immer sehr interessant! Schade dass ich kein IPhone habe 😉