while most of my evenings are packed with running, shopping, seeing my girls, spending time with my babe or just cleaning and decorating the apartment, i have some nights just for myself where i´m not planning on doing anything at all – like yesterday. on these rare occasions i like to come home from work and just relax, open a bottle of wine, light up a candle, read my favorite magazines, do my nails (for which i don´t have that much time ususally), watch a good movie or series on my laptop and prepare a healthy meal for myself – but nothing too fancy because i don´t even want to spend too much time on that when i´m alone. i think it´s really important to be alone sometimes – just throw on something comfortable and make the most of YOUR night.

Out East.

DIY Hochzeitseinladungen selber machen

#kandgsayyes: DIY wedding invitations


  • Andrea

    Ich finde so ruhige Abende auch manchmal gar nicht so schlecht! Perfekt um die Batterien wieder aufzuladen und einfach mal runter zu kommen. 🙂
    Lg, Andrea

  • Krolling-done

    amazing photos! 🙂

  • lina.

    Ich find dich so sympatisch und authentisch. Wirklich grosse klasse deine Fotos immer. Weiter so und einen sonnigen Tag noch.
    Ps. Vllt. magst du an meiner Blovorstellung mitmachen, welche noch bis zum 31.8.12 läuft. Würde mich extrem freuen dich vorstellen zu dürfen.

  • Nicole

    Hört sich nach einem perfekten Abend an! 🙂

    Lieben Gruss,

  • Luxx Mint

    I love nights like these despite them not happening often as I live with my boyfriend. I’m looking forward to the next one already!

    Luxx Mint

  • Laura

    Amazing post!:)

  • Anonymous

    woher ist denn die tolle couch? 🙂

    • Katharina

      die couch ist von KARE 🙂

  • Janet Mandell

    Gorgeous photos!!! Nights alone are definitely needed….havent had one in years. With 2 kids friends hubbie…..impossible to find time alone unless its at the gym. LOL

    Follow each other???

    ****CHANEL handbag giveaway on http://www.fashion-a-holic.com******

  • s

    this post is so awesome. I actually love the idea of lounging around solo- oh what i would give for a day like that- and this photos look sooooo romantic and beautiful even tho ur alone! Btw, i didn’t know there was a mister as I saw your instagram last night! what a lucky dude. You’re so incredibly pretty just lounging around at home. Love the effortless hair! xO!

  • claude

    das ist wirklich wahr, manchmal braucht man Zeit für sich 🙂
    süsse Fotos!

    xx claude

  • MaRtii

    perfect photo! :))

  • Polly

    Great post! I really like the photos and the idea of this post is so creative. Most bloggers write about their time spent with others, but I completely understand this post. I’d like to spend some time alone and to make me feel special by my own. I like to watch a movie, to do my nails too, to read a book or just to hear the silence and think about how peaceful it is. We do need peace sometimes, right?
    Great post again! 🙂



  • Bettina

    das Gefühl kenn ich nur allzu gut, mein Freund ist seit mittlerweile 2,5 Wochen im Ausland arbeiten… :/
    die Couch ist übrigens wirklich toll, Foto sowieso. 😉

  • StreetChic by Eriel

    that’s so pretty! u have a fantastic style!!

    follow each other?

  • Jessica

    Nights in are so relaxing and the perfect way to recharge.

    (If you’re interested, I’m giving away a $100 gift card to Shopbop. Enter here!)

  • carolina

    hi honey! i just found your blog today and i think is really cute so i’m following you now 🙂 please check out my blog and 🙂

    much love,

    p.s.: join my international giveaway

  • Lischen

    Das hört sich gut an 😉 Das Blog ist so süß!
    Bei mir kannst du gerade Blogs für den Liebster Blog- Award vorschlagen. Auch deinen eigenen! Also schau doch mal vorbei 😉

    Lischen xxx