now i finally understand what people mean when they say: you are never done with furbishing an apartment.
it´s so true, everytime i think i´m fully equipped and done with decorating or moving things around i find some places in my home where i could still fit in a mirror, painting, a tray or vase or other decorative elements.
these items are on my wishlist right now – i discovered this amazing online store called CWonderstore.
they have basically everything one could wish for with ikat prints or other cute designs.
the gold athena leaf tray (this one is from Vanillawood actually) is perfect for holding jewellery or displaying other items as well as the ceramic plate with the giraffe (they also have that one with other animals).
also, one can never go wrong with some candles like this one from diptyque. 
note cards are cute for dinner invitations (place cards) or for a quick note added to a present.
now here´s the bad news – i fell in love with most of the stuff from CWonderstore only to find out that they are not shipping to austria.
bad for me, good for you guys who live in america! but at least i can get the gold leaf tray 🙂
but i will go on a hunt to find at least some similar items that are available in austria as well!
additionally, i highly to recommend these stores to you:
Design Darling (for decorative objects)
Muji or The Container Store (for acrylic storage)
The Party Fairy (for party accessories)
Jonathan Adler (for trays)
A Modern Style (for monogrammed chevron home decor)
Society Social (for great vintage bar carts)
Annechovie (for prints and jar matches)

1.,2.,4.,5.,6.,8. via C Wonderstore


  • Ashley Aspinwall

    I love that feather! need it for my apartment 🙂

    xo SideSmile,

    SideSmile Style Blog

  • Andrea

    Schau mal bei rein! Das is ein online shop von einer ehem. Miarbeiterin der deutschen Elle! Die haben auch immer tolle Sachen, ordentlich reduziert!! 🙂
    Lg, Andrea

    • Katharina

      danke für den tipp aber westwing kenn ich eh 🙂 ich liebe die sachen von denen, nur hab ich sie bei diesem post nicht verlinkt weil die so groß sind – wollte eher sachen vorstellen, von denen ich denke, dass sie noch keiner kennt!

  • s

    love all of these items!!! the feather and the candle are my faves. Hope you have a happy friday and amazing weekend. xO!

  • Tesa

    nice post!

  • style point

    great selection xx i am absolutely obssesed about interior design …

  • S▲N

    Sehr schicker Blog über den ich hier gestolpert bin 🙂 Ich bin nun deine neue Leserin und würde mich sehr über deinen Besuch freuen.

    xx San

  • Sootjeelina

    I love nr. 7!

    xo Sootjeelina

  • Amandine

    richtig schön die Nr 2!!

  • Celina

    Ich mag diese Tassen 🙂

  • Lali

    Oh, so many beautiful things. Really like the cups.

  • Fifth N Sixth Closet

    Lovely picks, I like them all..Thanks for sharing!

  • Jenee C.

    It’s so true, you really never finish furnishing. And just when you think you are done, you grow weary of your old things and start looking around for updates. I absolutely adore that gold leaf tray. Thinking I may need one too and those ikat tea cups are just darling. Would love to see pics of your apartment so far. I love looking at interiors.

    xx Jenee C.

  • Darby

    OH I love Ikat prints! You have found GORGEOUS picks girl! The little tea cup is beyond CUTE!
    xoxo Darby
    Obviously Obsessed 

  • Kim

    Great stuff you have! I love your blog!

    xx, Kim (