i already told you last post that i was invited to the opening of the first cos store in vienna.
cos and i don´t have many similarities other than that we both have just arrived in this city – but the hype wasn´t as big when i came here 🙂
when i took a first look at the homepage, i wasn´t that impressed with the stuff – it´s just a little too unshaped, colors are too muted and prices were too high for my taste – BUT that was only my first opinion. when i got there, i happened to like the high quality materials that were used on the clothes, the extraordinary cuts and very clean and straight design of everything – including the store itself.
also, there is a certain type of girl that would look really good in cos but i just don´t know how they do it.
anyways, we had lots of fun – who could have known that a store opening would end up in a huge dancing, disco-like event? one of the best nights out i had in a long time!
(from left to right: sonja, judith and lovely victoria)
(favorite drink of the night)
Tolle Bilder! Ihr seht allesamt super hübsch aus. ♥
Liebe Grüße ☺
Mary Kapsi
Great photos!
MaryFashionLove on Facebook
Luxx Mint
I know what you mean about the shapes in COS, I really like their basics though, tank vests and blazers!
Luxx Mint
cos hat so schöne teile, schade dass es in meiner stadt keinen cos store gibt 🙁 und du sahst sehr schön aus 😉
I love cos!
Marina gomez de quero
El blog es muy bonito, no entiendo muy bien todo el post pero me hago una idea
las fotos me han gustado mucho
un saludo desde http://www.elpercherodemarina.com/?p=1081
leider finde ich bei COS nie was. Ich bin zu klein und alles ist da für mich zu gross. Misst!
Loving your blog,
adorn la femme
A Mode World
Great pics. Lucky u!! xA