today i want to share one of my alltime favorite recipes with you my dearest of all readers!
my auntie showed my another variation of this super easy meal during our last barbecue session and i´m hooked! here is what you´ll need for this delicious dish:
1. some feta cheese
2. figs
3. pine nuts
4. olive oil
5. aluminium foil
should be real fun to cook a meal with that little ingredients, right?
take one piece of feta cheese, put it on top of the foil. cut the figs and spread them over the cheese.
wrap the package, take it into the stove for about 25-30 minutes at 180°C.
in the meantime, open a glass of wine and decorate your plate nicely because there is not much else to do.
when you feel like your cheese is almost ready, start roasting the pine nuts until they have a golden color. but be careful, if you roast them too long they´ll become bitter and dry – i left mine in the pan just a little too long (should have stopped at the middle picture).
if you used too much oil for the roasting process (like me), that´s no problem – dump the nuts on a bit of kitchen roll, this will soak up the spare oil.
take the cheese out of the stove, open the foil package, spread the nuts over everything and tadadadaaaa – easy, fun, creative and delicious dish is finished! you can try the same thing in many combinations like peppers and onions, olives and tomatoes…the list goes on – whatever you can think of!
start wrapping today!
yummiie sieht fantastisch aus 🙂
Luxx Mint
This sounds delicious, anything with feta is a winner!
Luxx Mint
Looks so delicious! Will try it!!
that looks yummy 🙂
Habe noch nie etwas mit Feigen gekocht, muss ich mal probieren, danke für das Rezept 🙂
mmmhm das sieht verdammt lecker aus! muss ich unbedingt probieren! du brauchst für die pinienkerne gar kein öl, zumindest nicht in einer beschichteten pfanne!! 🙂 durch die hitze “schwitzen” die eh von ganz alleine 🙂
oh ehrlich? gut zu wissen, dann verbrennen sie mir nächstes mal auch nicht! danke für den tipp!