today i want to continue with my posting series about cool locations in vienna. i think my readers who are from vienna are laughing everytime they see another “hotspot” that i present on my blog because most of these restaurants/bars are very well known around here – but for me, even after 3 months living here, more or less every single spot that i discover is new and exciting. what i love about this city is that everything seems so cool here, so different from what i was used to (i come from a small town originally) and the gastronomy scene has figured out very creative ways to stand out from the millions of bars, restaurants and fusion stores.
so far, so good.
as for kurt frozen yogurt – i love the concept of having something super super yummy but at the same time not too unhealthy, that´s if you make the choice to have some healthy toppings and not brownies and caramel sauce like me 🙂
you can find kurt at three locations in vienna, at the schultergasse, krugerstrasse and ferstelpassage (that´s where i went).
i recommend taking a small portion, i had the medium one and it was the size of my normal dinners, especially with the sauce and brownie topping. you can choose from a wide range of toppings and pair them however you like.
will definitely be a returning – this time more cosmopolitan and cool because i already know the place 🙂
this was our choice:
Sieht so lecker aus. Hier in Chicago gibts dass auch an jeder Ecke. 🙂
einmal Kurt, immer Kurt 🙂 du wirst bestimmt stammkunde werden. ich liebe das frozen yoghurt von dort…habs bis jetzt noch immer nicht geschafft, mal die anderen sorten zu testen, weil ich immer den classic kurt bestell. die toppings sind auch alle so lecker! 😀
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Rocio Otero
que hambre! que buena pinta tiene por dios!!
2º parte del DICCIONARIO de la MODA hoy en el blog Sweet Perdition
Psycho Cat
Looks delicious 🙂