First things first.
No posting since 25 days. But you already know that when my posts start with a picture that has some wise words written to it, a preachment is almost certain to follow.
I´ve been working my ass off lately, travelling around several cities in Europe the past few weeks, never being longer in one place than 2 days in a row, spending my free time partying too hard and now I feel like there is nothing inspirational left inside me that I could share with you all that are waiting to for me to keep going – not even some outfit posts because I´m so exhausted on my evenings that I can´t even change into a fancy outfit.
Also, I feel like I´m on the beginning of some carination and some big, big changes are ahead of me – I´m so excited to take you on that rollercoaster with me, but for now my lips are sealed and you´ll have to wait till I come clean about what´s going to happen. Now I can only tell you, please stick around and wait until times get easier again – unless, nothing worth having comes easy.
Liebe Kathi, ich hoffe, dass es dir gut geht und sich dein Alltag bald wieder normailisiert.
Das wichtigste im Leben ist sowieso auf sich zu achten und ich hoffe, dass du gut auf dich und deine Gesundheit aufpasst!
Bis dahin freue ich mich schon sehr auf deinen nächsten Post!
Alles Liebe
excited for u whatever is happening!!!!! cant wait to hear all about it! xO!
Carlota | Carlota's Little Blog
I can image how you feel. Sometimes I don’t write something on my blog for a month, not because I don’t want to, but just have no time. Just take your time, blogging we just do for fun. We don’t have a blog to be obligate to write something.. 🙂
I’m excited to hear about your news!