1. I have a little brother who is 11 years younger than me. We have a very special relationship and somehow (even though our parents are the best people in the world) I often feel like he´s my son and I´m responsible for him – naturally, that annoys him to death, but I just can´t help myself from wanting to protect him and to remain a part of his life even though I´m in Vienna now.
2. I´ve had severe sleeping problems for a while where I couldn´t sleep at all for months, that´s why I go to bed between 9 PM and 9.30 PM almost every day – my friends really like to make fun of me because I act like a little baby when I have to stay up longer than that 🙂
3. The first thing in the morning when I wake up is to take my phone and scroll through my Instagram feed to take a look at the pictures I missed in the night. After that, I check Facebook and my mails and then I get up to get ready for the day. Not the best way to start a day, I know, but it´s become kind of a waking-up ritual for me.
4. My birthday is at the end of July, that´s the reason why I was only 17 when I finished high school.
5. When I was 16, I gained a lot of weight and ate about one chocolate bar a day – I weighed 10 kg more than now, but also lost it very quickly again when I realised I had to do something about it which wasn´t healthy either because I just stopped eating. But somehow, I´ve managed to balance my weight over the last years and to keep it the same more or less and now I have a good and substainable relationship to food, health and fitness, which was one of the most important lessons I´ve learned so far.
6. My favorite food is everything that contains dumplings or lentils with sausages. Not very girly or classy or haute cuisine, but sooooo delish!
7. I have a malposition in my hips and I buckle my ankles which makes me walk kind of funny, but I started with a treatment one week ago and hopefully I´ll be able to walk very gracious soon!
8. Without my glasses or contact lenses I´m blind as a mole.
9. Sometimes, I can be really, really mean to people and am short-tempered without any special reason. Afterwards, I always feel so sorry for my outbursts, but often I can´t take it back or don´t know how. So I guess, fighting with me is no fun.
10. I am overly protective when it comes to my friends and always want to fight their battles. Over the years, that has caused some very annoying situations for me where in the end, I was always the bad one when I only wanted to help – so let me tell you, never get involved in the crazy stuff of others.
Ich mag solche Posts auch total 🙂 Mach das öfter 🙂
Das mit dem Handy bzw Computer aufwachen kenne ich, habe es mir abgewöhnt und es ist ein gutes Gefühl 🙂
Nowhere Girl
Sehr sympathischer Post, da du sehr ehrlich und reflektiert rüber kommst. Keep going!
xoxo Laurenzia
hehe i can relate on 3 and ten! love these facts. I love #1 and how you feel so protective and motherly in terms of your baby bro. what a lucky sibling he is to have you as an older sis. xO!
Wirklich sympathisch! :)”…never get involved in the crazy stuff of others!…” totally agree!! 😉
Oh, wir haben anscheinend das selbe “Wach-werden-Ritual”. Morgens geht es ohne Instagram einfach nicht! 🙂
Schoen, noch etwas mehr von dir zu erfahren! Macht dich noch sympathischer!
Siena in Style
haha I do the same thing in the morning!! First go through Instagram and then Facebook:)
kisses from Milano
Haha ich schau auch immer als erstes auf Instagram, Twitter und Facebook in Früh ^^ Doofe angewohntheit. Ich glaub ohne meinem Handy könnte ich gar nicht mehr Leben ^^
Und Früh schlafen gehen ist das aller Beste. 🙂
Dass der erste Griff am Morgen zum Handy geht kenne ich auch. Instagram, Twitter, E-Mails – dann aufstehen.
Toller Post 🙂 ist immer sehr interessant solche random Dinge zu lesen. 🙂
ich mag solche posts, denn dann kann man sich vorstellen, wie die person hinter dem blog in “echt” ist 😉
ich checke in der früh auch zuerst facebook, weil ich ja kein instagramm hab mit meinem blöden blackberry 😀
Aber du hast ja eh so eine tolle Figur und bist sehr schlank, ich glaub, mit zehn Kilo mehr bist du noch immer nicht dick nach der gängigen Definition 😉
Birds Like Cake
Dieser Kommentar wurde vom Autor entfernt.
Birds Like Cake
schön geschrieben! Hätte fast alles von mir sein können 🙂 Nr. 9 passiert eben Menschen, die trotz all dem herzensgut und super ehrlich sind. Man muss nur Beherrschung meistern (ich arbeite immernoch daran) und Nr. 10 passiert eben deswegen und trotz all den gut gemeinten Dinge steht man leider allein da. Leute die einen gut kennen schätzen es trotzdem <3
Lieber Gruss, Sara
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