Most of you may have already seen that The Daily Dose finally went live. I couldn’t be happier about the reactions and the feedback we got since yesterday and it really warms my heart to see how much people actually love our site. I’m more than excited for everything that’s coming our way and hope I can count on you all to support us like you always did! To get an idea of what you can expect from The Daily Dose, watch the video that wonderful Madeleine Alizadeh created while doing the photoshoot for our About section and the launch post. Enjoy the video and let me know what you think about our new project!

Out East.

DIY Hochzeitseinladungen selber machen

#kandgsayyes: DIY wedding invitations


  • Nesiiiii

    Ihr zwei seid einfach klasse 🙂 ich liebe the Daily Dose jetzt schon!

    Knutsch N.

    Sleepless In Highheels

  • Anonymous

    woher hast du dein Kleid? das ist sooo schön!! 🙂

  • Sandra

    schreibst du eigentlich an deinem persönlichen Blog weiter – oder wird der gelöscht? 🙁